Belgian Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue
Bringing Evidence-bAseD food Chain solutions to prevent and RedUce food waste related to Marketing standards, and deliver climate and circularity co-Benefits
evidence-based solutions for food waste reduction through marketing standards for climate and circularity benefits.
Federation of the European Meat Processing Industry
VLAIO (Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen)
Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Flanders
Political authorities
Faster, better and more efficient product development and prediction of consumer appreciation for a wide range of meat products.
Food Pilot
Food Pilot, the application and analysis center of Flanders’ FOOD en ILVO,
Alimento regroups the sectoral services for food companies, their employees, bakers and education. You can contact them for training, staff and organisation advice, financial benefits and supplementary pension.
Phytochemicals to reduce nitrite in meat products
The PHYTOME project (Phytochemicals to reduce nitrite in meat products) is a major EU co-funded research project that has started the first of December 2012 and aims to develop innovative meat products in which the food additive nitrite has been replaced by natural compounds originating from fruits and vegetables. These biologically active compounds, also referred to as phytochemicals, are known to contribute to improved gut health and are added to the meat as natural extracts.
Fenavian is a partner in this research project.
Ter Groene Poorte
A prestigious food school in Bruges, for future gastronomes and food specialists.