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About Fenavian

About Fenavian

The new Fenavian is a dynamic federation that responds to the needs of its members, that acts rapidly and accurately to actual situations, and is a trustworthy partner where information can be shared and lessons learned. Fenavian keeps you up to date with what is happening in the political and other industry related organizations.

You should join for your business, because thanks to you, today the industry can be represented with an organisation that will facilitate your business development, and that will ensure that your needs are recognised and taken into consideration at all levels.

Today, a lot of challenges are influencing your business. Before, you could develop a great business by having a great product, sadly those times have passed! Today you have to be a business man, an expert in the environment and marketing, be up to date with the latest technologies, consider and implement all the relevant rules and laws but also be able to find your way through a myriad of information that comes your way each day.

The market changes, there are a lot of international threats but opportunities also exists. There is so much legislation, there are so many regulations and developments in environmental affairs, but also developments at nutritional and labelling level. Additionally one has to contend with public affairs and the prevention of negative publicity; Now more than ever, the industry needs a strong federation that can support and protect during such periods of strain.

This is what we want for our members: a very present federation, a strong federation that represents its members in consultation with the retail, with farmers, with people from the full supply chain to ensure that decisions are taken with full due care and consideration for our sector and our companies.

In order to have a presence in all existing discussions, we have decided to join forces with serveral organisations: FEVIA, CLITRAVI, Unizo, The food industry is the strongest industrial sector in Belgium and meat processing is one of its largest components.

Fenavian is also a member of several boards of directors and consultation platforms, for instance we are a member of PC 118, the food platform of Unizo, we are on the boards of directors of Belpork, Antibiotic Register, animal welfare working groups, pig sector group, cattle sector group, poultry sector group, regional products, … and we are a fixed discussion partner for Public Health, Employment, Economy, Agriculture, FAVV, universities and research institutions, and several European organisations.

We clearly keep our independency, but by joining several organisations, we have the opportunity to acquire a lot of expertise and knowledge. As a member of FEVIA we can appeal for expertise and assistance on environmental, nutritional, scientific research and social matters but also share contacts with the press, marketing and promotion, networking and contacts, trainings and international possibilities.
A better corporate image, a more professional communication, standing up for your rights, a more directed information flow, … These are only possible if we collaborate and unite our forces to reinforce our sector. Because that is what we all need.

By unifying our voice can be heard in consultation with other parties from the supply chain by authorities at Flemish, Walloon, Federal and European level.

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Only the information you want, when you want it


Acquire a lof of expertise


The new Fenavian would like to have a large information provision for its members. Being a member of Fenavian will offer your company wide scale of advantages and services that you apply to your business. Your representativates will have the possibility to attend meetings where they will meet with people working in the your sector. On our website you will soon find a lot of information and knowledge on the organisations with whom we are collaborating. We also plan to organise some training sessions, short and clear, containing the information you want, whenever you want it.

As a meat producer you are confronted on a daily basis with a lot of challenges. Sometimes you have the right people to hand within your organisation, but often companies are in need of time and manpower to solve these problems. Fenavian has at its disposal the necessary expertise and manpower to support you. Thanks to our contacts with political employees from governments and organizations such as FASFC, VLAM, CLITRAVI, among others, we can facilitate your everyday problem solving.


Self-checking guide

Membership of Fenavian gives you priority access to different scientific research projects. Fenavian unifies scientific, governmental and academicals partners with financial resources, to ensure that our regions and sector continue to be innovative. We participate in research initiatives, follow the market, and inform you of the results and ideas. Consider the Phytome project and initiatives with regard to salt- and fat reduction,…

Membership of Fenavian gives you access to a comprehensive compliance guide for our sector at an attractive price. This is a document that has been created by the sector for the operators of this sector and includes guidance on how to satisfy legal requirements with respect to hygiene, traceability, self-regulation,etc.
The guide has been approved by the FASFC.

Members support

Market information

The members of Fenavian can appeal to the support and expertise of the secretariat. Ask your question and we will help you.

What does our market looks like? How is it evolving? We provide you with regular update in collaboration with the governmental organisations such as Landbouw & Visserij, GFK, etc.

Practical support for export

Belgium in the world

A lot of our members are exporters and are confronted by the same challenges when tapping into new markets. Which documents/ certificates, etc. are needed? The information requirements are diffused by various governmental organisations FIT, AWEX, FASFC, etc. but the information is not always efficiently communicated. Fenavian wants to take part in the building of a knowledge centre where companies can access information about developing its export market, in one place.

As a federation we think it’s important that a company is encouraged to export. We create products of a high quality and if we want to grow, we are obliged to approach international markets because of our small domestic market. Belgium is recognised as a quality label in the food sector, this could be profitable for us, and this is something we want to work on.

Fenavian takes part in a range of consultative initiatives with European bodies and organizstions. Clitravi, the European federation, unifies its forces to solve common problems and also to exchange knowledge and experience. Thanks to our presence there, our country can be represented and thanks to this we can exchange experiences and transmit this knowledge to our members. Our presence at a European level can make a difference for your company.

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